Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Late Tuesday morning in London. It's time to get out of here for a little while. London sucks your wallet dry. I've spent the last 5 nights at the Generator Hostel which has been a lot of fun, met some great people and had some big nights. A little 5 bed dorm on the second floor that overlooked the main entrance to the hostel. It was a bit noisy at night but that didn't matter. You became a part of the noise anyway. The bar downstairs was great, the £3 sweet and sour chicken from the hostel kitchen last night almost as good.. Having the whole 5 bed dorm to myself last night ensured an early night and a good rest which was much needed after the others left yesterday. Now i've booked with Ryan Air to fly out to Glasgow, Scotland tonight. Will find another hostel there and stay for a few nights, then onto Edinburgh to stay with Sticksy over the weekend. I'm now kinda filling in time before Spain on Sept 2 which is something I'm looking forward to immensly. But Scotland is a place I've never seen so I'm sure it'll be worthwhile. I soooooo hope my money lasts another 4 weeks.............

You meet lots of people when travelling. It comes easy. Perhaps because everyone is like yourself, away from home and their own little comfort zones. You can't go into a bar or whatever at home and start talking to someone and/or end up hanging out with 'em like you can here. Conversation comes easy...

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