Wednesday, November 07, 2001

Saving cash seems hard these days. I need it to fund my next little adventure whever that may be, but when your earning £200 a week, once you pay rent, food and money for going out your really left with nothing. I suppose i could sacrifice a night out here and there or whatever but impulse spending is to hard to resist dammit. Always something going on and a chance to head down the pub. Went out Friday night with Kelly and Macca from Contiki. Huge night and spent lots. Camden markets on Sunday followed by a catch up session with Cath 'n' Ness which led to yet more money wasted on the bar. Movies tonight, American Pie 2, cause well I hadn't been in a while and just felt like it. If only i could resist the impulse and stay in. Perhaps then i could jet off to Scotland or wherever much sooner. Wworks boring as and i guess once i knock off i need something to do to keep me entertained. I'm really missing the hot weather now to. Relaxing on a beach would be nice.