Thursday, November 10, 2005

Early Thursday afternoon.

I sit in my extremely comfortable room with the blinds open to let the sun in. It's slightly overcast with a cool breeze. I like that. I've been working on some promo flyers for the pub since i awoke about an hour and half ago. It's about time i sat down and wrote again. It's been a fair while. My life consumed by indulgence and carefreenesss. The life of managing a pub. Sure it's still hard work and takes alot of effort and the need to be focused. It's a social job, a job that allows you to escape when need be. To be able to knock off work and have a few drinks. Always meeting people ensures the fact there's always something to do. Nowadays if i have a night at home it feels weird. Cause it seems so rare. It's nice to do every now and then just to get away from it but I become easily restless. My mind needs energy around me. Needs noise, needs distraction. The Distraction of the Terminus has been fantastic nonetheless. We are a close family now. Spending so much time working and playing together.....

But sometimes i wish i could wind down for a while and start to enjoy the silence more.

I work again tonight. In the meantime I'll catch up with Theresa for a coffee and just potter about doing other odds and ends.

I'm off to QLD on Saturday, four days off work and I decided to get away from my life here, even if for just a brief moment. To get some sun, avoid the pubs and relax. Refocus.

I'm going through alot of things from years back. Old music, things i'd recorded/mixed....Pieces of writing....

When i was younger i had an idea of what I wanted to do with my life. Well some idea anyway, I was never totally sure. Moreso. never motivated enough to really follow through. Now once again I'm thinking of what to do. I love the pubs, don't get me wrong. But is their longevity in that kind of Lifestyle???? It's fun but i guess I also want passion. The ability to create something for myself. I dunno....
Here I am writing things once again. Getting my thoughts out.

Summer is upon us. It's a time when life seems that much more better.

Think I'll go get something to eat.....

Monday, August 15, 2005

My recent trip to Bali was much needed and most memorable. More so in the sense of just being able to get the fuck out of here for a while and have some summer during winter. It's a different world over there.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

It's so easy for us to fall asleep in the comort of our own freedom. Our own lives.
Today the world comes together for what is probably the most single important cause of our generation.

Bob Geldof organised Live Aid 20 years ago to help raise money for Africa. It was a success and raised squilions. But then you learn this is what Africa pays back every month in debt reperations to the Western world. Today Live 8 is here to raise one voice. To let the world know...

Make Poverty History!

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Borat is coming to the big screen!!

Jagshemash, Pepsi Max!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Feels like a good time to finally sit down and write again...

Winter, cold but the suns out. Just sat on my balcony with a ciggarette and my thoughts. Thinking of my direction. My purpose..

Work is going pretty good, now managing the bar with Nat taking on the General managers role. Alot more work to do now and I spend a great deal of time there. The staff are great and the people that come in are just as good. It's what keeps me there.

Living where i do in Kew is nice. Having the main room with private balcony and ensuite gives me the privacy and escape i need from time to time. It's my own little sanctuary.

I guess I'm lucky to have what I have. The friends I have I keep close to me. My life is pretty good. Still I search for something more

I hung out with her again last night. Was fun. We've developed a close friendship over the months. Still I yearn for something more?

Have a friend coming down from Brisbane for the weekend. This also means a weekend of No work!! Yippeeee.

Music on todays rotation..

Radiohead - How to disapear completely
Alex Loyd - My way home
U2 - Running to Stand Still
Art of Fighting - Give me tonight
The Waifs - London Still

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

So I finally got internet connection put on ma brand new computer in ma room. Gives me something else to do when I'm here.

It's Valentines day today, something that I've never really gotten into. Probably cause i've always been single. Was in a melloncolly mood all day. Hard to motivate. All the flower shops that i drove past during the day were busy. People in the shopping centre carrying roses and whatever. And me so not part of that...

My birthday celebrations on Saturday turned out to be well received by others and mostly well enjoyed by me. Afterall that night was all about me!! The turkishplace for dinner put on a good job. We had a room upstairs that, as we arrived, had tables filled with all these different kinds of platters. So Yum..... Mains were great and the $15 all you can drink option for 2 1/2 hours ensured that all the boys got ratshit. Trent didn't last much past dinner and Dave put on a strip show for the hens night in the next room. Good form guys!!

Progressed to Polly, then onto nightcat then as most people went home the few remaining headed to Barry's for some late night cheese dancing.....

Think I'll chill to some music....

Friday, February 04, 2005

Im back at mum and dad's in Tempe today for a little while. Don't have internet access at home yet.....

What to say? where to start?...... I need some inspiration in my life once more. Something to keep me creatively challenged maybe. A goal, a journey......

Home life is good with a few big changes. Chris and Lauren moved out not to long ago leaving the two smaller smaller rooms to be filled. Hannah and Jo have moved in. I figured getting two girls might bring a bit of balance into the house. I knew them both beforehand so I felt comfortable having come in. With Dyson on his way out soon I'm more surrounded by female company most of the time now. It's a little weird and may take some getting used to. Kinda feel like the odd one out sometimes to. Girls get together, do their own thing. I am looking foward to Sticksy moving in soon.

We now have a new loungeroom and the place is looking much more homely and cleaner. Girls will do that....... I myself have spent alot of time cleaning up. The amount of leftover shit piled up in the garage and wedge was ridiculous. Spent a day with dad sorting it all out and by the end we had a truckload of rubbish to take to the tip.

Been to the beach a few times, just down to black rock when the weather and time off has allowed for it. A swim, a read of a book, and some sun. Off to Qld soon as well. Time to get away.

Love life.. Confusing...

Current music that's on rotation.

U2 - How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
Xavier Rudd - Solice
Ben Harper - Diamonds on the inside
Anything Alex Loyd
Anything Jack Johnston

U2 - Miracle Drug
Starsailer - Four to the floor (Original version not that remix thing)
Ben Harper - With my own two hands
Xavier Rudd - Shelter
Alex Loyd - My way home

Monday, January 03, 2005

A new year! Hopefully means a fresh start in a positive direction..... Things feel like there changing once more. I need some kind of structure again and have a goal that i can start to work towards. Have had many thoughts and discussions with others in what I should do, what road i should take.

The others are moving out of Walmer St soon. Things will change at home to.

Work has been busy, New Years was a great night although extremely busy meant we didn't get much chance to break. Had alot of friends there though and the crowd was all in a great mood. We raised a few thousand dollars for the Tsamani victims to. It shows that people really will dig deep when it's needed.

The last two days have been benders, socialising with friends and bar hoping all over the place. The Espy on Saturday and a triple Bill of the geebung, Depot and Bimbo's yesterday.....;.

Christmas was wonderful. A day with the family that had a special feeling about it. Parents house in Templstowe during the day with Dad's side of the family. Mum put alot of effort into cooking and we ate up a storm. The food continued that night at Deb's for Mum's side. A few drinks but not to many. It was more about the kids this year. My cousin's little ones running around as excited and hyper as we were all those years ago. Gave it a more spcial touch.

I caught up with her again last night. I miss spending time with her, wishing that maybe things worked out different....

With the devestation in Asia at the moment my problems are irrelevent. Something that couldn't be avoided, so many lost or homeless. Maybe this will bring to light to the Western world the need to pay more attention to the issues facing the third world......