Wednesday, January 11, 2006

My first post of the new year. 2006.

I've been indulging life. In work, in play.

These last few days though nice to unwind. Went to Mum and Dads for dinner then came home to an empty house where i did some work on the Terminus newsletter. Jo came home and we looked through some travel photos from both parties.
Hannah has her friends down from Sydney amd she's been partying up. Sticksy at his girlfriends place.

There's been alot of weird tension in the house lately and it's getting a little much. Although i must admit I've taken somewhat a back seat.

Current Music of choice.

Athlete - Tourist
Tim Buckley - Greetings from L.A.
Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run 20th Anniversary Edition
U2 - Live from Chicago