Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Istanbul, Turkey.. It`s such a different way of life here. So much more ancient and I guess backward to... I love it.... Stayýng in a hotel in the old part of the city, narrow streets that look like there falling apart. There's a shitload of Aussies around at the moment, all here for the same reason. Tour groups like ours everywhere, here for Anzac Day... The Turkish people as a whole seem very friendly and welcoming, constant cries of 'Hey AussieG,day mate' pass us by... Men and children constantly harrass us on the street, particulary around the Grand Bazaar markets, tryýng to sell perfume, jewlery, postcards and any other kind of useless, tacky souveneir. It's a city of old, the mosques massive and amazing. Crowded streets, markets.

Am doýng a 15 day tour wýth all Aussies-Kiwi's run by FezTravel. I think theres around 35 people or so?? Billy and Heath will join us after the dawn service, which is the conclusion of the legacy walk.. Flew in Monday night with Joel and Shada, checked into the hotel and had a good look around the city yesterday and today. Few drinks last night at a pub called the cozypub and then the hotel bar... Meant to be a big night tonight, today has been our first full day of tour, already starting to get to know everyone.

Sunday, April 20, 2003

I had my final shift last night. Fairly easy going night, nothing special. Feels weird a little, time to move on and start again. I guess I never really expected to stay this long, you can never really tell how things are going to work out. Went out afterwards to Victoria Camel and Liquid Blue which turned out to be another late one on the drink.. Came home around 7am?? with a big bag of Maccas for breakfast.... The sun was up, people already around starting their day... I had a sore head...

There's a little statue just off the Strand here in dedication to Oscar Wilde with the quote "We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars."... I like that....

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Taken at the Grinspoon Gig, Temple Walkabout, January 28, 2003.

On the downhill run for my time at the Camel now. Only 2 more shifts to go, has it really been 6 months?.. I'ts a lovely 22 degrees in London today, shorts and T Shirt..... Feeling good... Off to Turkey on Monday and I can't wait!!!

Had another big weekend with work and play... Clubbing on Saturday night after a good session at the Camel.....

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

I came into Piccadily to get a ticket for the Bruce Springsteen show in May. The system at the ticketmaster office in Virgin megastore was down so im just wasting time here for a bit. Feeling a tad shitty with the flu still, and i guess a little homesick today....... Deciding what my plans should be over summer. Want to do a little more travel before coming home while the weather is good here in Europe.. Contiki tour of Russia/Scandanavia? Busabout through Berlin, Prague, Budapest etc?? There's many options. All depends on money though. Turkey in a few weeks.....

Monday, April 07, 2003

I only worked 3 hours today, knocked off 2 hours early 'cause the place is dead. Late licence last night saw me working until after 1:30am, have the flu again so feeling a tad shitty........ I've been taking it easy the last few days, just working and all that. Had a bender over last weekend that saw me catch up with Sticksy for his farewell, head to Belushi's after work, the Walkabout for a Sunday session and the Sports Cafe in Piccadilly for Hospitality night... £1 drinks...

It's at the stage now where I really look forward to my nights/days off and enjoy getting away from the pub.. Still love it here though, don't get me wrong but as was the case Friday night it was good to head into town for a meal with friends and get back to normality again..... Been here almost six months without any real time off. Oh , except for the two days in Belfast.. Where has the time gone????

Have been spending my breaks over in the park reading a book, playing the guitar or just relaxing. I played tennis yesterday with Chris. There are about 5 courts just a short walk from here, just off Tower Bridge Rd.... Haven't played in a long time.... Took me a bit to get back into it..

Also went to the gym the day before for a brief workout. One of the girls I work with has a sister who works there so myself and Gerrard went down for a free workout before starting work.... It's on Haymarket just off Piccadilly Circus circus... Did a breif cardio workout (Jogging, Cycle and Rowing) before doing about a 20 minute swim... Im on a healthkick!!!