Sunday, May 04, 2003

In Goreme I think. Some liitle town in the Cappadocia region. A town settled amongst the hills and rocks of an ancient civilisation whos homes were built into the sides of cliffs and some extremely bizzare shaped rock formations. Being on a tour has ensured lots of touristy things and spending money on entrance fees to see ancient ruins, rocks, thermasl springs and whatever... It's been an amazing trip, the few days along the coast were nice. Went Parasailing near Fethiye jumping from a mountain a mear 2000m high.... Eating shitloads of rice, meat and kebabs.. Hotel breakfasts consisting of boiled eggs, bits of tomato, bread and some sort of meat... Days spent on the bus, break for lunch, Kicking back on comfy couches smoking Shisha. A fruit flavoured tabacco out of these massive and way cool looking pipes. Paying to make my way through a gorge in water that was rushing way to fast to keep balance. Went rafting down a river with some amazing serenity. Turkish bath last night, involving a sauna, a dip in a cold bath, a rest on a heated marble slab, some guy rubbing the dead skin off our body's with sort sort of thingy. A full body massage.. Was fucking heaven...

The people are great, made some good friends....

Oh and Anzac day. Seeing Gallipoli, the place were all the fighting took place and then the dawn service was an experience that will stay with me. Staying up all night to get there, the anticipation. We hadn't slept but it didn't matter... Thousands of Aussies/Kiwi's gathered in Anzac Cove....

The last few nights have been quietish, long days which have meant not getting into our destination till almost midnight. Few blinders earlier on though. Here for three days now before heading back to Istanbul. Have some massive nights planned. The mayor of this joint has organised a night to commemorate this Anzac walk thing by Billy and Jenko. There are banners in the town welcoming them...

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