Wednesday, June 26, 2002

'Scuse my lateness in posting the news but England are out. Dammit. The pubs of Melbourne were packed last Friday for the game. The line at the Elephant was massive so we didn't bother, they locked the doors of the Charles Dickens 'cause it was so full and Pugg Mahones was soooo crowded we couldn't see the screen. Ended up at the Exchange Hotel. Although still busy and everyone watching it wasn't quite the same as any of the other places. Missing were the homesick English cheering their own team on, instead we had a pub full of local suit 'n' ties in for their end of week, after work drinks.

Went to a battle of the bands thingy at the Armidale Hotel Sunday night. Knew one of the guys playing in one of the bands. Anyhow, it was put on by radio station TripleM. The winner going to the national finals in Sydney, which in turn leads to a gig at that M1 gig at Colonial Stadium. With three bands on the night, two of them were rather good, the other average. Guess who won??? Trust TripleM to pick an an unworhty winner. Rachel, the ex-member of Big Brother on the judging panel. Obviosly fame and status is more important than actual musical knowledge......

Still overly keen to move on from here again. Bored, bored, bored! ..."Oh but you don't have enough money or assets to leave at the moment". Blah blah blah....

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