Tuesday, June 11, 2002

What better way to watch an England game than at a pub full of noisy Poms. The Elephant and Wheelbarrow went off Friday night, despite my being so goddam wasted i was seeing two soccer balls by the end of the game. First beer at PJ O'Briens at 12:45pm. Several bottles (between us) of white wine at lunch, followed by Bundy Rum at the casino bar for several more hours, then a few pints in front of the soccer. Finishing up with bourbon at Icon Bar at around 1am???? Let's just say I suffered dearly the next day, but so what, it was worth it! Was good to catch up with Steed again as well. Back from London for a short time.

Spent Sunday down at Sandy for Steed's birthday, enjoyable afternoon but didn't know all that many people and was still hungover. After Friday I thought it best not to touch wine again for a while. Bleh. Finished up at Simon's house for a few more beers. Low key but nice. Game of basketball at around midnight had me coughing up a lung...............

Today went into the Good Food show with Mum, Dad and Rob. There were lots of stalls giving out free wine samples/tasting. Moved from stand to stand trying out the different brands and styles of wine that were on offer. It was free and it was great!

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