Friday, February 01, 2002

So now i've been home for a little over a week and I must admit, it's good to be home for Summer. It's been a good week to, catching up with everyone and going out lots. I really love it here this time of year and although things at home seemed a little weird at first, it's sooo quiet here compared to the rush of London, i've settled in pretty well I think. My first night back at home was the best sleep i've ever had!.

In the first few days back I went to the new Tram Bar in Doncaster (rather average and full of 18yo's), a Hawaiin themed birthday party complete with a room full of hot women in bikinis and also to the Austalian Open afterparty at the Metro. Some very big nights there.

Back at work now trying to save up for the airfare back to Europe. It's funny how things at work seem exactly the same as when I left. Everyone's still in the same routine and it took me no time at all to realise where I was and what I was doing. Perhaps after a few weeks I'll be ready to head back but for now it's all good. St Kilda Festival next weekend as well. Bring it on!

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