Thursday, May 23, 2002

Last night I headed up the tram bar, usual midweek gathering with mates. A few beers and conversation. It was also Mark's last night out before heading back up North. Hamo came out as well, think he needed to get out of the house for a while and was glad when i rang. With Andy out herself it gave him a chance to catch up with us all again. Think he got a bit of trouble for doing so. Mental note..Don't get married until your at least 40....

Today was a strange day indeed. For no real reason, was just the mood. I had one of those completely sleepless nights last night. I couldn't relax, was tossing and turning and even though I was mega tired I couldn't fucking nod off. Got up a few times, watched a bit of late night/early morning tele and finally got to sleep around 5:30am.....I think..... So yeah, as a result I slept most of the day and gave work the middle finger. Went to the postoffice, then up to the park for a walk. It was becoming twilight about this time and as the descending sun blanketed the park with golden halflight (cheesy poetry alert) the day was coming to an end. Due to my fucked up bodyclock things seemed strange, I hadn't been awake that long. Since then I've basically done stuff-all and I'm feeling completely and utterly unproductive. So here I am now, typing to a screen to pass time. Wishing I was in another time, another place....

I really wanna listen to Counting Crows "August and everything after". One problem..Where's the fucking cd dammit!!

Step out the front door like a ghost into the fog
Where no one notices the contrast of white on white...
I walk in the air between the rain through myself and back again. Where? I don't know

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