Early Thursday afternoon.
I sit in my extremely comfortable room with the blinds open to let the sun in. It's slightly overcast with a cool breeze. I like that. I've been working on some promo flyers for the pub since i awoke about an hour and half ago. It's about time i sat down and wrote again. It's been a fair while. My life consumed by indulgence and carefreenesss. The life of managing a pub. Sure it's still hard work and takes alot of effort and the need to be focused. It's a social job, a job that allows you to escape when need be. To be able to knock off work and have a few drinks. Always meeting people ensures the fact there's always something to do. Nowadays if i have a night at home it feels weird. Cause it seems so rare. It's nice to do every now and then just to get away from it but I become easily restless. My mind needs energy around me. Needs noise, needs distraction. The Distraction of the Terminus has been fantastic nonetheless. We are a close family now. Spending so much time working and playing together.....
But sometimes i wish i could wind down for a while and start to enjoy the silence more.
I work again tonight. In the meantime I'll catch up with Theresa for a coffee and just potter about doing other odds and ends.
I'm off to QLD on Saturday, four days off work and I decided to get away from my life here, even if for just a brief moment. To get some sun, avoid the pubs and relax. Refocus.
I'm going through alot of things from years back. Old music, things i'd recorded/mixed....Pieces of writing....
When i was younger i had an idea of what I wanted to do with my life. Well some idea anyway, I was never totally sure. Moreso. never motivated enough to really follow through. Now once again I'm thinking of what to do. I love the pubs, don't get me wrong. But is their longevity in that kind of Lifestyle???? It's fun but i guess I also want passion. The ability to create something for myself. I dunno....
Here I am writing things once again. Getting my thoughts out.
Summer is upon us. It's a time when life seems that much more better.
Think I'll go get something to eat.....
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