A new year! Hopefully means a fresh start in a positive direction..... Things feel like there changing once more. I need some kind of structure again and have a goal that i can start to work towards. Have had many thoughts and discussions with others in what I should do, what road i should take.
The others are moving out of Walmer St soon. Things will change at home to.
Work has been busy, New Years was a great night although extremely busy meant we didn't get much chance to break. Had alot of friends there though and the crowd was all in a great mood. We raised a few thousand dollars for the Tsamani victims to. It shows that people really will dig deep when it's needed.
The last two days have been benders, socialising with friends and bar hoping all over the place. The Espy on Saturday and a triple Bill of the geebung, Depot and Bimbo's yesterday.....;.
Christmas was wonderful. A day with the family that had a special feeling about it. Parents house in Templstowe during the day with Dad's side of the family. Mum put alot of effort into cooking and we ate up a storm. The food continued that night at Deb's for Mum's side. A few drinks but not to many. It was more about the kids this year. My cousin's little ones running around as excited and hyper as we were all those years ago. Gave it a more spcial touch.
I caught up with her again last night. I miss spending time with her, wishing that maybe things worked out different....
With the devestation in Asia at the moment my problems are irrelevent. Something that couldn't be avoided, so many lost or homeless. Maybe this will bring to light to the Western world the need to pay more attention to the issues facing the third world......
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