Tuesday, December 04, 2001

When ur kept up till all hours by loud and drunken house mates, then only to be awoken at 6ish by alarms and other people getting ready for work, well, one doesn't really sleep. I've come to the conclusiuon that shared accomodation is rather hard, specially when ur sharing a bloody room. Didn't work today, called in sick and opted for sleep whilst everyone was out. Natural History Museum in Kensington was pretty good late this afternoon. Got a call from the temp agency to, apparently work isn't to happy at me taking another day off. Don't beleive im ill rather just been partying to hard. Guess i have but not last night anyway. What can i do? I was'nt up to it, no sleep, feeling run down and you try spend day after day doing filing? How's that song by Animals go again? Ah Yes? '" Weee gotta get outta this place"

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