Tuesday, December 25, 2001

In a town and place far from home for the first time ever during the festive season. I'm hoping we may get some snow on the day but the chances of that in London are somewhat low, despite the freezing temperatures. Still, it would be nice. Spending it with some mates from back home will be some consolation from missing out on the usual family thing that takes place every year. Once the New Year is here, things will slow down and i may be ready to head home. The last 6 months have been amazing, some days better than others but overall memorable.

Had a little trip during the week... Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester. Caught a Premier League game and got to see more of the country besides London, Which in reality is somewhat different to the rest of the UK.

Wednesday, December 19, 2001

One of the things I miss about about home, excluding the obvious of freinds and family of course. In a little while i'll be home....

Ma gear
Heading to Leeds in the morning with Sticksy and Mick. Going for 4 or so days and meeting Croughy up there as he's comin' from Edinburgh. Anyway, we got tickets to a premier league game which should be pretty good as it's one of the things i've been meaning to do since coming over to this part of the world. Finished work today and wont be back for two weeks and it's good to have some time off again. Only downside is that when you're employed by a temp agency you get little to f£$%-all holiday pay. I have 3 days owing to me and a total of 10 working days off. If i had the choice to work over the break i would but as we're closed etc that ain't gunna happen. Ah well... guess ill be digging back into that now almost non-existant Aussie Account to get by eh? Would love to spend some more time outta London to but i'll be spending Chrissy and New Years here i reckon.

Sunday, December 09, 2001

Spent a while this afternoon sitting by the lake down at Hyde Park with Julz and Carmel. Despite the cold there was still blue sky and lots of people around enjoying the day. People walking, running, rollerblading or just sitting down talking as we were doing. It's really beautiful down there and it's right across the road from my apartment. My own backyard and it's great. I reckon the temperature dropped about 10c in about 20 minutes come 3pm. Went from bearable to numbing, which was a good signal to leave. Headed home and got my thermal underwear on before heading on down to High St Kensington for a look around at some of the shops etc. At the Easy Everything Internet place now as I write this.

Was kinda convinced that going home isn't such a bad idea afterall. Both of the girls have done so themselves during the past year and half they've been away and said it's easy to come back if you really want. I'm settling in and love it here now though. The freedom here is comforting, there's always somewhere to go and someone to go out with not to mention the fact you've got the whole of Europe at your doorstep, but Summer at home is also nice thought. Not ready to go home but also ready for a holiday home even though it may seem somewhat boring compared to here. I'll miss the nights at the pub straight after work and the weekends of pubbing and clubbing with all the different freinds i've made here. But I do intend to come back so.

Friday, December 07, 2001

..Feels like to many choices. Not a bad little line that by Bono. With Christmas and the New Year approaching, my job set to finish up and my lease set to expire one is left with alot of choices on what to do. My mind changes every minute. It's cold here now and it's kinda miserable in London this time of year. Some sun would be nice. Im kinda missing those summer drives to the beach, window down, music loud and one arm more tanned than the other cause it hangs out the window.
Went down to Abbey Road Studios last weekend to. Lots of people there laying floweRs and cards etc in rememberence for Goerge Harrison. Was a chilling feeling actually and kinda good to be there. Left a little note myself to pay my respects. I must admit, never was a huge Beatles fan but always liked and respected there music i suppose. They wrote soem great tunes, specially in there later years. Can't deny that they have influenced alot of other musicians that have followed.

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

When ur kept up till all hours by loud and drunken house mates, then only to be awoken at 6ish by alarms and other people getting ready for work, well, one doesn't really sleep. I've come to the conclusiuon that shared accomodation is rather hard, specially when ur sharing a bloody room. Didn't work today, called in sick and opted for sleep whilst everyone was out. Natural History Museum in Kensington was pretty good late this afternoon. Got a call from the temp agency to, apparently work isn't to happy at me taking another day off. Don't beleive im ill rather just been partying to hard. Guess i have but not last night anyway. What can i do? I was'nt up to it, no sleep, feeling run down and you try spend day after day doing filing? How's that song by Animals go again? Ah Yes? '" Weee gotta get outta this place"