I always enjoy going out to the airport. The place where people are either leaving things behind for a while or are returning with a sense or renewed freshness in their life.
We picked up Damo after his 6 months in London. As we stood near the barrier in the International arrivals section waiting it occured to me that here is a place or even a moment when life seems perfect. Where everything seems to dissapear, where people are reunited and the world, it's problems, fears, doubts whatever not an issue. Everyone happy. I recall some girl coming through those doors, seeing her boyfreind standing right near me, and just rushing into his arms where they embraced each other tightly for what seemed like ages. A good 5 minutes with no words, no conversation. I don't know why exactly i'm writing on this but i guess i was somewhat taken back by it..... Corny???
Anyway, as Damo came out I said rather loudly 'There he is'. Other people looked at me, it didn't matter. Great to see him again. Shaved head and tanned. Overseas travel creates change in a person. Both physical and emotional. I should know, I've been there, done that.
We went out last out in what turned out to be a huge and fun night. Feels like a while since I've had that. All his mates and myself hitting it hard at a few places around town. Barry's at the end of the night was a nice top off. I was cynical in going there at first thinking it would be crap. I cut loose and had a ball. Rather drunk to. We ended up at a freinds place in East Brunswick at stupid o'clock, waking the poor girl up so we all had a place to crash. Few hours sleep on the fold out couch then eventually made it home this afternoon just in time for Fathers day Lunch.
I've been the cleaning lady at work all week, and again this week coming. The plus side is that it gives me a more normal/structured working week and has given me the weekend off.
I watched a great movie tonight, one i can't believe i'd never seen before. 'One Flew over the Cuckoo's nest' with Jack Nicolson.
What else?? I've got a lot of choices/decisions to make at the moment. The need/desire to move out to somewhere else. The restlessness with wanting to do something more with my life career wise. What exactly to do? When and where to do it. Do i continue to ride the wave or should i take a bit more charge and swim through it.
I'm listening to U2's Pop as i write this. A slightly different version i made up that includes the reworked /remixed vesions of songs that featured as singles or on the Best Of album. I prefer it this way than the original version actually.
'And it looks like the sun, but feels like rain. And there's heat in the sun to see us through the rain'
Other albums of choice lately.
The Panics, 'A House on a street in a town where I'm from'...